9 Places to enhance Photoshop skills

Photoshop is basically designed to edit photos. But today it is used for designing purpose also. At the beginning this software is only used by photographers to edit minor changes of their photos but as time passes,  Photoshop is now best tool for designers. Photoshop allows to draw  almost everything. Now a days, many sites are available for learning  Photoshop from beginning to advanced level.

Photo realistic images are formed in Photoshop. From tutorials you are able to explore most of the tools present in software.Now, everybody just need internet connection to learn this software. Below are the places that help in designing websites, images, web elements and editing photos etc.


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 2. Photoshop Star:

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3. Best Photoshop Tutorials:

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4.  Photoshop Tutorials:

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5. Design Modo:

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6. Photoshop Girl:

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7. Photoshop:

Visit Tutorials:

8. Psdeluxe:

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9. Photoshoplady:

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About Mohsin Nazir

Founder of Grafixyard. Blogging and Designing is my passion. Based in Islamabad, Student of Design. You can follow my social Networks. Twitter | Facebook | Flickr | Google+ and visit my Portfolio