HDR Photography Good or Bad

HDR stands for high definition range. Some years later this HDR can only be obtained on Photoshop. This is a time taking process and also some skills are required for it. With the advancement of Photoshop versions. The new Photoshop CS6 version provides more comport to the photographer. Thanks to technology for giving us DSLR cameras which carry this effect on one click.

Is HDR is Good for a photography? Have a look at some Photography first.

Chicago Blues

Bull on a Piano

For Sale HDR

Just in case 4 Supermen come to visit!

Wat Mahathat, Sukhuthai


Colorado Springs

Window, Milking Shed


Quarry Works

Ricketts Point


It depends on how we use it. Effects are not bad but the way we use it could be bad and it makes the whole photograph bad. There is a line in between Good and Bad HDR. So use HDR with a sense not everywhere. At some places it makes the excellent photograph and vice versa. Again experimentation is a part of learning so do experiments and gain knowledge.

About Mohsin Nazir

Founder of Grafixyard. Blogging and Designing is my passion. Based in Islamabad, Student of Design. You can follow my social Networks. Twitter | Facebook | Flickr | Google+ and visit my Portfolio