15 New Advertising Photo Manipulation Artwork
Photo manipulation is a art in which many photos are combined in a way that they give a look of one composition. But now a days not only photos but some digital work also add to give the composition more realistic effect. We can say that these are digital illustrations. It can be done on the Photoshop easily, but it takes some practice also. Photo manipulation is more about advertising because you are giving a message actually to the target audience. That is why, its importance is increasing day by day.
Photo manipulation can be done abstractly. But today designers combine both abstract and real elements to make a good composition and eye catching ads as well. I have chosen some of the projects from Behance Network. These artworks will definitely inspire you and help you to improve your skills also. Enjoy!
1. The man who would stop time:
Editorial design, Photo Manipulation, Photo Illustration
2. Swarms
Advertising, Retouching
3. Speedy
Advertising, Photo manipulation, Digital Art
4. Adobe CS6 Promotion
Graphic design, Illustration, Packaging
5. Angel Tears
Photo Illustration, Digital art, Painting
6. Play Boy Magazine USA Zombcon
Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Illustration
7. Constellation of the Jaguar Shaman
Digital Art, Print Design, Graphic Design
8. Best of FC Zenit Posters 2011
Art direction, Photo Manipulation, Retouching
9. London Showroom
Photography, Photo Illustration, Graphic Design
10. Everything you can imagine is real
Digital Art, Photo manipulation, Illustration
11. Aalesund Football Club Pre- Seaon Branding
Advertising, Art Direction, Branding
12. La Bella Cautiva / Beauty Captured
Digital art, Photo Manipulation
13. David Lynch + Ice Cube
Photo Manipulation, Digital art, Photography
14. SKY HDTV – never miss a moment
Advertising, Digital Imaging, Art Direction
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15. Dream
Photography, Digital Photography, Photo Manipulation
Hope you enjoy them. Comment about your Favorite one.
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About Mohsin Nazir
Founder of Grafixyard. Blogging and Designing is my passion. Based in Islamabad, Student of Design. You can follow my social Networks. Twitter | Facebook | Flickr | Google+ and visit my Portfolio