Fine Arts Paintings by NIELLY FRANCOISE

Françoise Nielly’s painting is expressive, exhibiting a brute force, a fascinating vital energy. Oil and knife combine tsculpt her images from a material that is , at the same time, biting and incisive, charnel and sensual. Whether NIELLY FRANCOISE paints the human body or portraits, the artist takes a risk : her painting is sexual, her colors free, exuberant, surprising, even explosive, the cut of her knife incisive, her color pallet dazzling. Visit her official website for more portfolio.

Below are the collection 25 paintings. Hope you will inspired by these Artwork. Your suggetions are always welcome, Please fill the comment box at the end.


déjà 2012


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About Mohsin Nazir

Founder of Grafixyard. Blogging and Designing is my passion. Based in Islamabad, Student of Design. You can follow my social Networks. Twitter | Facebook | Flickr | Google+ and visit my Portfolio